Organic Wood Betony (Stachys officinalis)
Organic Wood Betony (Stachys officinalis)
Wood Betony has a long history of Medicinal uses with many books referencing it.
* Replaces black tea
* Ruler - Jupiter
* Sign - Gemini and Sagittarius
* Element - Fire
* Gender - Masculine
* Protective - wards off evil, negative energies and snakes!
* Place under your pillow to protect against incubus, succubus and any night demo
* Keeps away nightmares
* Mix with lavender and burn to heal arguments between lovers
* Carry on you for personal protection
* Use in amulets to help alleviate personal fears, face your shadows and bring stress relief
* Focus, concentration and good memory, such as for exams/tests or when you go upstairs then forgot
what for
* Add to bath to ease depression and dispel fears
* Balance and harmony
* Add to witches bottles to quell arguments
(Please consult your GP or Medicinal Herbalist especially if you are on medication, are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.)