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The Wild and Weedy Emporium

Organic Agnus Castus (vitex agnus-castus)

Organic Agnus Castus (vitex agnus-castus)

Regular price £4.90
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Agnus Castus has a long history of medicinal uses with many books referencing it.

* Berries can be used to substitute pepper
* Added to spice mixes from the Middle east

* Deities - Demeter and Persephone
* Boosts fertility
* Protective spells to sustain a healthy pregnancy
* Add to magnolia and honeysuckle for fidelity spells and to keep your lover chaste when not with you
* Destroy the libido
* Celebrating the goddess
* Female intuition
* Psychic wisdom
* Interacts well with ladies mantle and yarrow
* Supportive herb during times of transformation and renewal
* Vows of commitment

(Please consult with your GP or medical herbalist especially if on medication, pregnant or planning a pregnancy)

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